Share Your Eating Hack + Enjoy $2 Off Your Next Order!

Once you try our delicious thins, we'd love to know what you think! We're collecting reviews to feature on our site.

In the meantime, we want to hear how you feed everybody at your table. Tell us your eating hack, and we'll post our favorites—plus you'll get a $2 off coupon in your inbox!

To get you started, here are some hacks from our co-founder and Chief Eating Officer, Trish Thomas.


HACK 1: I typically serve food buffet style and keep ingredients separated. Allergens like grated cheese go in a separate bowl—those who can eat them can add them later to their own plates.

HACK 2: At my house, we call veggies appetizers. We put a big bowl out while we are making dinner and if the kids fill up on them, GOOD! (At least they ate their veggies.)

HACK 3: I crumble up our Chive & Garlic Thins and put them on salads. Croutons never had this much flavor!

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